On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 11:30 PM, KOVÁCS István <k...@kovacs-telekes.org>

> Update: I've gone through all the modules, moving the .cl source files
> for failing modules so darktable would get through the startup
> process. The following needed to be moved (these are the ones that
> fail to compile):
> atrous.cl  basic.cl  blendop.cl  bloom.cl  colorreconstruction.cl
> demosaic_markesteijn.cl  demosaic_other.cl  demosaic_vng.cl
> denoiseprofile.cl  extended.cl  liquify.cl  nlmeans.cl  sharpen.cl
> soften.cl
> >> K.
> >
> >
I mention this because it is an odd behavior when I start Darktable
(versions 2.2.5 and now 2.4.0~rc2, but not older versions).

Under KDE there's a function called "KDE Wallet Subsystem". I guess it's
intended to store passwords.

It's very annoying and it's the first thing I turn off when installing a
new upgrade.

In the past, if I turn the Wallet off, when I launched various software
that would attempt to call the wallet up, of course nothing would happen
because it was turned off.

However, beginning with Darktable 2.2.5, when I start it up, the wallet
dialog box opens. I just click 'cancel' which closes the dialog, but it
immediately reopens again. It takes three 'cancels' before a forth dialog
opens telling me something about the wallet misbehaving, which I close as
well. Meanwhile, Darktable loads in the background of all of that going on
and runs fine thereafter.

I haven't paid it much attention to it because that's the way the KDE
Wallet behaved in the past when it first appeared about 10-12 years ago.
After a couple of years, it finally stayed off completely after being
initially being disabled upon installation of the distro.

Just thought I'd mention it. Haven't a clue if it's related at all to your
problem or NVIDIA cards and their software, which I've run for the past two
decades. Use to have to compile the NVIDIA drivers into the kernel, years


PS: If Roman & Adam are reading this, support for the ILCE-7RM3 in
2.4.0~rc2 seems to be working fine. Thanks!

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