Le 12/09/2018 à 12:59, rawfiner a écrit :

> Hi Aurélien
> Fist, thank you for showing me this interesting video.
> I just compiled your branch.
> My first question is, is it possible to find shift power slope values
> that reproduce the result we had before with linear and gamma?
> If yes, I think you should compute the new parameters values from the
> old ones.
> You can take a look at function "legacy_param" in denoiseprofile.c to
> see an example.
> If that is not possible, we could imagine to have a "mode" selector in
> the GUI to switch between "linear and gamma" and "shift power slope".
It is not and I will re-integrate the legacy code as soon as I fix some
problems. I will definitely add the legacy_param().
> Considering opencl, I cannot help you here as I have never coded in
> opencl and I do not have a GPU.
> Yet, even without opencl, code seems already quite fast.
Actually, I even wonder if OpenCL is relevant for this as it's a linear
operation performed on only one pixel at the time over the flatten
array. I wouldn't be surprised if the OpenCL version were slower on some
systems than a good SSE2 version.
> Considering the code itself, my only remarks are for this line:
>       for(size_t k = 1; k < (size_t)ch * roi_out->width *
> roi_out->height; k++)
> First, is there a reason why you are using a size_t type? int or
> unsigned would be fine I think, and you wouldn't need a cast.
I took that line from the exposure.c IOP. I think size_t is an explicit
array index type so the compiler can do cleverer things with it than
just a regular int.
> Second, in C, array indexes start at 0, so the red value of the pixel
> at the top left corner is not processed by your loop (you can see it
> on exported image)
> So I guess you want the for loop to be:
>      for(unsigned k = 0; k < ch * roi_out->width * roi_out->height; k++)
That's a copy/paste error from another loop I removed since then.
> I know that C is hard to learn, so congratulations Aurélien! :-)
Thanks ! I have posted the first results :

> rawfiner
> Le mer. 12 sept. 2018 à 14:46, Aurélien Pierre
> <rese...@aurelienpierre.com <mailto:rese...@aurelienpierre.com>> a écrit :
>     Hi everyone,
>     when working with color profiles, the main historic issue was the
>     non-linearity of the sensors/films. Now, it is rather that the
>     color profile is performed on a chart having 6-7 EV of dynamic
>     range while modern cameras have 12-15 EV. Simple gamma corrections
>     (invented for CRT screens) don't work anymore, and video editors
>     have invented a new standard able to remap the dynamic range and
>     to fix the mid-tones at once :
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVKnhJN-BrQ&index=7&list=PLa1F2ddGya_9XER0wnFS6Mgnp3T-hgSZO
>     I have embedded the formula used in Blender
>     (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASC_CDL) into the profile
>     correction module of dt (using the same parameters for each RGB
>     channel). The result looks more natural than the current version,
>     without gamut or saturation issues in the highlights. It also
>     speeds-up the worflow, since all is needed is this module to
>     adjust the dynamic range, then a tone curve in auto RGB mode
>     shaped as a stiff S to bring back the contrast. The result is much
>     better than with the tonemapping modules, with less color fixes.
>     I'm a newbie at C and it's the first time I achieve something
>     inside dt, so I could use some reviews on my code and also some
>     help on the OpenCL part (the kernel does not load, I don't know
>     why) : https://github.com/aurelienpierre/darktable/tree/color-grading
>     Thanks a lot !
>     Aurélien.
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