The backtrace has very little information unfortunately.
Did you build the code in "release" mode?
If so, could you please build the code in "debug" mode instead, and give
the backtrace obtained in this mode?

Le 28 oct. 2018 9:29 PM, "Timur Irikovich Davletshin" <> a écrit :

Debian stable, 64 bit, I don't know what items are supplied with online
help (I know that import was the first) but it crashed every time I
clicked (~10 times). I did not clean my profile, just jumped from


On Sun, 2018-10-28 at 21:24 +0100, rawfiner wrote:
> Hello
> Could you give more details about this?
> Does this happens whatever you click on, or does it happens only when
> you click on something that has a help url?
> Do you have anything special activated (lua scripts, some
> preferences, etc)?
> Any other information that could help me to reproduce?
> Thanks
> rawfiner
> Le dimanche 28 octobre 2018, Timur Irikovich Davletshin <timur.davlet
>> a écrit :
> > Hello!
> >
> > I don't know is it just me or dt's fault but when I click online
> > help
> > icon and then click something in dt (e.g. import tab) I get crash.
> >
> > Timur.
> >
> > P.S. Crash report attached.

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