As it is, I've noticed the radius of the blur on (parametric) masks is 200
at max.

I would love it if this radius could be really big, like a quarter of the
image width or something.

What I sometimes do in photoshop, is create a mask of the inverted
grayscale version, and then blur that mask by a very large value, so that
any effect that mask is used with, is applied on like "the dark half", or
"the dark corner" of the picture. This way, the effect can be applied
really subtly, instead of getting those very obvious shiny dark objects (as
you see in badly tonemapped hdr photos).

If you think: "But with the blur radius at 1000, you'd need to sample
almost a million pixels for every pixel that you want to blur!", that's not
necessary; the program could easily subsample like 10% or less of those
1000x1000 pixels and be accurate enough.



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