> Further: if the pipeline automatically reorders my input correctly, then
my misuse of order should be automatically corrected which would be optimal
as I view the situation.

That sounds like you want the possibility to sort but then darktable shall
reorder as it thinks it is best? What is the purpose of the feature then?
No, the default pipeline order can be changed and darktable will process
the image in the order as commanded by the users UI ordering. This is not a
I want the UI to look pretty feature. It changes the pipeline, so the order
of operations. This is not a feature useful for everyone.

> Could we use the same the same method the image processing modules use
for "move up" and "move down" vs. the shft+ctl+drag and drop? Or a right
click context menu?

If you are following Aureliens reply you see that its not the question of
the key combination. He argues that even if it was possible from the UI
library that is used it first is a question of sensibility: Mixing 2
different concepts with the same input opens up usability issues because
the user expects from the same operation the same behavior. So imagine
changing UI component on the left side of the window changes the UI
appearance and changing the UI components on the right (obviously changes
the UI appearance and) changes the processing, so does have an effect on
the final image... wouldn't it be very bad if the same key combination is
used for those 2 very different operations?

Many users are getting wrong what the module reodering really does, as you
can see by reading this thread.

> I have some other suggestions to get the user informed about the
potential signal processing disaster when ordering the pixel pipe modules
badly relatively to the color space.

I would be very interested to read your suggestion.

Kind regards


Am Mi., 22. Jan. 2020 um 19:24 Uhr schrieb David LaCivita <

> Could we use the same the same method the image processing modules use for
> "move up" and "move down" vs. the shft+ctl+drag and drop? Or a right click
> context menu?
> Thank you,
> Dave LaCivita
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 1:08 PM David Vincent-Jones <david...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The reordering should then be obvious from the pipeline list (Column 1).
>> How is it that the tone-equalizer always sits ahead of the filmic-rgb? That
>> makes (to me) no sense at all.
>> Further: if the pipeline automatically reorders my input correctly, then
>> my misuse of order should be automatically corrected which would be optimal
>> as I view the situation.
>> Cheers;
>> David
>> On 2020-01-22 5:50 a.m., Aurélien Pierre wrote:
>> Hi,
>> image-processing modules *are not moved *up and down *in the GUI* but *in
>> the pixel pipe, *so that changes the actual order of application of the
>> corresponding filters. You are on for a lot of trouble if you handle that
>> as a workspace widgets reordering feature.
>> Reordering the (non image-processing) modules as a workspace management
>> might raise 2 concerns :
>>    - a need for a global workspace/widgets layout editor (Qt app do that
>>    a lot, GTK is not super keen),
>>    - a possible confusion among users, because left panel reordering
>>    will mean workspace reordering, but in right panel, it will mean pipe
>>    reordering. 2 different behaviours for the seemingly identical graphical
>>    widgets in the same app is not a good UX design.
>> Cheers,
>> Aurélien.
>> Le 22/01/2020 à 14:33, Florian W a écrit :
>> Hi guys, after a few months here is the usability nerd again :)
>> I wondered if there was any reason (other than historical I mean) for the
>> ordering of the left panel modules in the darkroom.
>> I can see good reasons to put the snapshot and history modules at the top
>> of the panel, however I'm a bit puzzled to see the mask manager at the
>> bottom and the duplicate manager at a higher position.
>> Different people have different workflows and want to organize their
>> workspace differently according to it.
>> Wouldn't it be great if the left panel modules could be moved up and down
>> like we can do in the right panel now?
>> I mean, I usually use the mask manager way more often then the duplicate
>> manager (which I basically don't use as there's Ctrl+D to do the job).
>> It's been a while since I haven't been into the DT code base but I shall
>> have a look to do that.
>> Cheers and keep up the good work 👍
>> Florian
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