Good morning community, I have been using darktable for some years and I
appreciate it for the cleanliness of the results and the power of the tools.
However I happen to associate it with other development software.
In the next e-mails, I will write in sequence some suggestions that could
greatly improve the usability of the software.
As a first suggestion that it is also the most complicated and perhaps
impossible, I report a problem that has already been tackled but never
That is the mismatch between Fujifilm's Jpeg SOOC and .RAF file
- Fujifilm files are displayed without any correspondence with the jpeg
sooc, even if it was saved without special settings on the camera, such as
DR or PDR. Raw Therapee, for example, does not have this type of problem,
since for each file, the software applies a different ad-hoc tonal curve,
which uniforms (over 90%) the .RAF file open to the jpeg (sooc) obviously
this pre-equalization performed via software can be deactivated in order to
obtain a raw "clean" "raw file
Other software (such as Lightroom C01 or ON1, for example, read the
metadata saved and present in the .RAF file and reproduce the file almost
exactly compared to the jpeg sooc already in the opening phase using the
"AUTO" mode (and only that).
I know there are user-made LUTs for RAF files, but they are not absolutely
accurate and the difference between .RAF and JPEG SOOC files is not only in
the exposure.
By using the "Color Look up Table" tool, good results are achieved, but
they are valid only for the file subject to modification and the resulting
"preset" is therefore not reusable for other photos taken in different
Common problems remain 2.
I would like a more accurate and precise method, since in other software
there is, I refuse to think that it is not possible to get there, and I
refuse to believe it because I would like DarkTable to become my ONLY
development software. So being I own of Fujifilm, if I can help you in this
aspect, I would be happy, but I don't even know where to start, do you have
any suggestions?

Thank you
Lorenzo Fontanella

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