Hi all,

I have a lens that isn't recognized by the current release version of
exiv2, but is supported in the development tree. I imported images from
this unrecognized lens, so darktable lists the lens as "173"  instead of
the lens name.

I just built exiv2 from source and installed it, but now I have two
versions of exiv2 floating around on my machine. I thought they were:
/usr/bin/exiv2 and /usr/local/bin/exiv2. I deleted the old one and made it
a symlink to the new one, so now on the command line if I run "exiv2" it
lists the full name of my lens.

But the listing inside of darktable still just says "173." Is there
something else I need to do to force darktable to re-recognize the lens? Or
can someone tell me where darktable looks for exiv2 so I can be sure it's
not using an old version?

Thanks in advance,


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