On Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:43:18 -0300
"J. Paul Bissonnette" <jpaulb...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I have a nvidia 650ti with 2 monitors. configured as Xinerama, but
>> DT 2.0.3 (on arch), just goes to my primary monitor.
>> How can I get DT to use the dual monitor?
>Can you drag darktable to the monitor of your choice. I can be done
>with Ubuntu Studio 14.4

Yes, I can drag it to one, but then it stays on that monitor. What
I'd love to do is to have the lightable on the left monitor and the 
darkroom on the right.

I use Xinerama to get the 2 monitors to behave like 1 large desktop
and then I have my 4 desktops.


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