On 04/27/2016 02:53 PM, Alex wrote:
> 2016-04-27 20:39 GMT+02:00 Alex <zeita...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> I tried:
>>>> sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove darktable
>>>> sudo apt-get purge darktable
>>>> sudo apt-get remove darktable
>>>> and then
>>>> sudo apt-get install darktable
>>>> but still fails to start with the message:
>>>> darktable: symbol lookup error:
>>>> /usr/bin/../lib/darktable/libdarktable.so: undefined symbol:
>>>> _ZN5Exiv213XmpProperties10registerNsERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES8_
>>> Have you verified that /usr/bin/../lib/darktable/libdarktable.so is
>>> actually provided by darktable package?
>>> Also, are you sure you don't just happen to have self-compiled exiv2
>>> somewhere?
>>> Sounds like mixing C++ ABI versions. C++ FTW.
>>> Roman.
>> There is /usr/lib/darktable/libdarktable.so

(Just noticed it's /../, not /.../)

To find libexiv versions:

locate libexiv

To check what libdarktable.so is using:

ldd /usr/lib/darktable/libdarktable.so | grep libexiv

Šarūnas Burdulis
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