Any backtrace?

Am 14.09.2016 um 19:12 schrieb Colin Adams:
It causes darktable 2.0.5 (Fedora) to crash. Switching back to false
cures the problem. So please don't change.

On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 at 17:56 Ulrich Pegelow <
<>> wrote:

    Well, there obviously is an issue with OpenCL and NVIDIA. However, a
    quick check reveals that this is not related to 2.0.6 versus 2.0.5.

    In fact it seems that NVIDIA did some changes to their drivers in the
    way they handle memory transfers over the IDE interface.

    There is a quick fix for that in darktable. You can switch config
    variable opencl_use_pinned_memory to TRUE (can be found in darktablerc).
    At least here on my this makes a difference of up to a factor of 30
    (oldish GeForce GTS 450 and 367.35 driver).

    Background: that switch controls the way of memory transfer between host
    and OpenCL device, namely the use of pre-pinned memory. When the flag
    was introduced it did only make some improvements on AMD/ATI devices,
    while at that time NVIDIA devices would show no or a slight negative
    effects. Therefore the flag is set to FALSE by default. It seems that
    newer NVIDIA drivers get extremely slow if the default non-pinned memory
    transfer method is used.

    If my findings are confirmed we will change the default setting of that
    flag for new installations. Users of existing installations will need to
    change the config flag manually.

    Please check and report back.


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