there's a darktablerc in usr/share/darkatable, but nothing seems to work. I changed screen_dpi_overwrite and screen_ppd_overwrite and even bauhas/scale, rebooted, but nothing seems to work.

OT this gave me an happy momento

Il 30/10/2016 20:53, Tobias Ellinghaus ha scritto: "please_let_me_suffer_by_using_32bit_darktable=false"
Am Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2016, 20:18:54 CET schrieb Davide Patria:
hi, I'm running darktable 2.0.7 on ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I'm having some
issues with user interface scale. because of my macbook's retina display
I had to use unity twek tool to scale text and icons in order to make
everything readable at a reasonable distance without getting blind. the
problemis that darktable's UI scaled to, making the window to big to fit
the screen in full size mode and the lateral panels to wide to be fully
shown. when I firstly scaled UI I had a problem with spotufy client,
that one doesn´s scale, so I had to go to the configuration file and
change the scale from there. there's a similar file in darktable that
can do the same job?
Try adjusting screen_dpi_overwrite and screen_ppd_overwrite in ~/.config/
darktable/darktablerc. The default of -1 means auto detection of the values.

Thank you

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