
sorry i don't have an english explanation, only the formulas.

this module enhances local contrast by using
``Unnormalized bilateral filtering''
as described in
(the rest of the paper is implemented in a branch).

the detail slider is mapped to the amount the difference to the base
image will be multiplied by.

the other two are the range sigma (contrast slider, colour distance, L
channel only in this implementation) and the spatial sigma (radius,
pixel distance).

the backend uses the bilateral grid.


On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 6:21 AM, Ari Torhamo <ari.torh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been trying to find out what the different sliders on the local
> contrast tool actually do in Darktable. There are three sliders and the
> working of the first one seems obvious; it adjusts the radius (in pixels?)
> of the area the other sliders affect on.
> The contrast slider doesn't seem to do anything if the detail slider is in
> zero position. In other positions both sliders change contrast, although
> differently, the detail slider having a stronger effect. I'd like to know
> what these two sliders actually do. I've been testing and observing their
> working on different photos, but I still feel that there's too much trial,
> error and confusion involved in using them.
> I'm not asking for mathematical formulas (although they might be
> interesting, if I'd understand them), but rather a clear explanation in
> plain English. The explanation on the Darktable user manual is very vague,
> and a good amount of googling didn't help either.
> I hope someone in the know can take the time to answer this. Perhaps the
> answer could be used to improve the user guide. Thanks in advance!
> Ari Torhamo
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