Am Samstag, 28. Januar 2017, 03:32:14 CET schrieb Jos Dassen:
> Hello, 
> I see that newer darktable versions  not available any more on Ubuntu 14.04
> Trusty will no longer be receiving updates after 2.0.7.
> Is there a good reason for that ??
> Point is that this is still under LTS (in the Mint version).I tried to
> update to 16.04 and, while darktable works, a lot of other stuff
> (especially hardware drivers) are still problematic on 16.04. I would
> prefer a bit more stability over going for the latest features as soon as
> they are available.

Ubuntu 14.04 ships GTK3 version 3.10. darktable requires at least 3.14. 
Current GTK3 is 3.22. So the reason darktable isn't available for that system 
is the lack of dependencies.
That being said, isn't the whole point of running a stable OS release to not 
have changing program versions? You chose to stick with a more than 2 year old 
Ubuntu release because you wanted to have one fixed set of tools. Why do you 
expect updated versions for some of them? You can't have your cake and eat it.

> Cheers,
> Jozef Dassen


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