Am 26.02.2017 um 18:05 schrieb Mikhail Trishchenkov:
> Hello all.
> 1. Automatic film rolls: ...
> 2. Rolls navigation: ...

most the time I'm working with "collect images / *folders*"
rather then "collect images / film roll".
That works better for me. Maybe also for you?

There is an GUI option "number of folder levels to show in list" to
includes some sub-folders (with your HDR ...).

But there is a bug, that DT merges folders when one foldername is the
beginning of another one.

If you select "2017" you also see the pics in "2017_A".

I like to collect with *multiple criteria*, Example:
To see wich files need to get coordinates
"folder = ABC" exclude images "geotagging = tagged".
Then I see only the pictures to drop on the map.

I like to use *wildcards*, Example:

My scanned slides are named "slide_f999_p99.jpg".
Where f=Film and p=Picture in film and 99 = numbers.
To find all scanned slides from one film:
Collect Images: "filename = slide_f123_%".
Then I "select all" and tag filmtype and camera-model, which is not in
the exif-data of the scans.

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