* Terry Duell <tdu...@iinet.net.au> [10-20-17 23:24]:
> In times gone by, my recollection is that the export filename was
> $(FILE_FOLDER)/Darktable_export/$(FILE_NAME).
> I recently had cause to manually select an export destination, and since
> then I have had to manually set the export filename.
> Does anyone know if there is a way of automatically setting the export
> filename, as above, when needed?
> I have perused the manual and settings, but not seen anything that helps.

my choice is:  $(FILE_FOLDER)/DrkTbl/$(FILE_NAME)
and is set in the export module on a line just below "target storage" when
"file on disk" option is selected.

raw images exist in "$(FILE_FOLDER)
directory "DrkTbl" is created if is does not exist when an image is
"$(FILE_NAME)" is the image file name sans extension, in my case ".nef".

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
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