
Does anybody use darktable on a 4K display?

I have tried, and it crashes a lot. Running it from a terminal just gives the message "Killed".

The kernel log states that it is an out-of-memory situation.

It is not a very new computer. Its an Intel NUC with an i5 cpu with integrated graphics, and 8Gb of ram.

I've tried to monitor ram usage using top while darktable is working, but it never goes over 10% with lots of memory still available.

There must be some sudden spike in memory allocation that causes the kernel to run out of memory, that I cannot see using top.

It almost certainly happens in the pixel pipeline, either when rendering a photo for display, or during export.

If I switch the display to normal FHD 1920x1080 resolution, there are no crashes.

René Seindal - r...@seindal.dk
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