On 17/04/18 02:23 PM, kneops wrote:
> Is there a way to move the bottom panel with the thumbnails to the left side 
> of
> the screen?
> That would create so much more space.

While we're about it, why can't we take this a stage further.

it's easy these days to get alternative physical display; more than one physical
screen, ultra-wide screens that can handle two 'pages' side by side.  Being able
to rearrange these parts would be ... useful.  being able to put the image on
one dedicated screen, perhaps an oversized screen, the largest, best resolution,
and having the controls on a separate screen would be a sensible way of working.

With GIMP we can do something like that.  Yes, I realise GIMP is a very
different program.

I wonder what the limits of using the CSS for layout is with Darktable?

   "Nothing is more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of
    success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new
    order of things."   -- Machiavelli
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