YouTube can try this lua script:

Am 2. August 2018 19:15:57 MESZ schrieb Ryan Martinie <>:
>I really like the "create hdr" feature in darktable. However, the lack
>any alignment features in the tool (and therefore the requirement of a
>sturdy tripod) limits its applicability. Are there any plans to add
>such a
>Currently, the only way I'm aware of to create an hdr or other stacked
>image from imperfectly aligned images would be to:
>1. non-destructively edit the raws
>2. Export as a tiff or other non-raw format
>3. Stitch or stack the tiffs with hugin
>4. Export a final tiff or jpg from hugin.
>Of course, the major flaw in this workflow if you want to tweak
>in the raw edit you essentially need to start all over again, obviating
>value of the non-destructive editor.
>Ideally, one could
>1. select a series of images for alignment
>2. Call hugin or hugin-like code within darktable and perform the
>3. Save as a .dng or other non-destructive format the way the current
>tool does
>4. Perform futher edits in darktable on the stacked/aligned image
>Such a workflow would ideally also work for panorama stitching and
>(like for astro work), in addition to hdr alignment.
>How ridiculous an idea is this? Are any such plans in the works? Am I
>missing a simple way to do this that already exist?
>Thanks, Ryan
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