On Sun, 16 Sep 2018 14:08:38 +0200
kneops <kne...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Are there Fujifilm users active in this DT mailing list?
>I'm trying to get the colors right.
>I'm using the Fujifilm Raw file convertor on the left and DT on the
>right, and I'm trying to get the colors look the same, including the
>details in those colors. DT default profile is too red in general,
>and I've tried many times with many tools to get the Provia film
>simulation image look the same in DT. The Provia colors on the left
>are more realistic (I've was there ;) )

BTW, I prefer the right side but I wasn't there ;)

There's a guy that did a whole bunch of darktable presets, including
the Fujifilm emulations:


and there's also:

https://github.com/t3mujin/t3mujinpack where you can download them
directly. The README.md has the instructions for the install.

I use mostly the Acros B&W and the Tri-X, but they also include the
Provia emulation/style...


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