Am 09.12.18 um 08:59 schrieb Stéphane Gourichon:
My guess is a memory corruption error in some part of darktable. Of course it would be nice if somehow could trace this. (I'm willing to, but currently not using darktable much, and quite busy with other projects.)

Well, no. The error message appears when darktable is not able to synchronize the two pixelpipes in darkroom mode: the preview one for the navigation window and the "full" one for the center view. Both pixelpipes normally run asynchronously as separate processes. Some of darktable's modules require a synchronization: the full pixelpipe needs to wait at certain points until the preview pixelpipe produces the needed data. Without that missing data the module in the full pixelpipe would produce wrong results, the output of the two pixelpipes would no longer be consistent.

In some cases synchronization fails, e.g. when the full pixelpipes needs to wait too long and a pre-defined timeout value is exceeded (config variable pixelpipe_synchronization_timeout). If that happens the above warning message is displayed. However, this is of no big concern. Typically with the next processing step all is good again. Any zooming in or out, panning, (de-)activating of modules or any value change is sufficient.


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