Le 07/12/2018 à 17.08, Anton Aylward a écrit :
IF AND ONLY IF you want more screen real estate I' do recommend a
one-screen-at-a-time approach.  A 27-inch screen for viewing and side 17-inch
screen for controls is very nice to work with.

I can do that with GIMP.  I'm just sad that DT doesn't have the ability to 'tear
off' the controls and move them to a side screen.

Thanks Anton for sharing that idea!

*Hardware setup*

I have a 27-inch screen optimized for color rendition and an ordinary 15-inch laptop barely calibrated.


Part of the color-optimized screen is covered with controls. Sure I can click small (too small) triangles to collapse panels or use Tab. And sometimes I do.


The idea naturally came to dedicate the big screen to the picture, and the smaller screen to the controls.

I sometimes use Gimp and to that.


There are many ways to imagine such a separation in darktable. Toolbox windows with special properties etc may represent a significant refactoring effort, in code, in creating a new consistent and complete user experience, etc.

Perhaps one approach may be much simpler: just extract the center image view of darktable to place it onto its own window, keep the rest as is (existing window without the extracted center view).

What do you think?

(I hope to clear time to contribute to darktable, perhaps in the coming year.)


Stéphane Gourichon

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