This wasn't reported before, you should create a new bug report here:

On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 15:57:03 +0100
Émile <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using the 3.0.0rc1, migrating from 2.6.3 version.
> In previous 2.6 edits, I used to have multiples instances of a module:
> - module 1 (applied in second position / on top on module panel)
> - module (applied in first position / below on module panel)
> On 3.0.0rc1, they are now in the opposite order:
> - module (applied in second position / on top on module panel)
> - module1 (applied in first position / below on module panel)
> I compared the xmp files from 2.6 vs 3.0: the "multi_prioriy" of each
> instance has not change, it just seems* that the resulting iop_order make
> the instance appear in reverse order (* seems... to me! maybe it's just
> that I don't understand something).
> Example from xmp (same data from 2.6/3.0 xmp, except the "iop_order" lines
> just in 3.0):
>       darktable:multi_name="1"
>       darktable:multi_priority="0"
>       darktable:iop_order="10.0000000000000"
>       darktable:multi_name=""
>       darktable:multi_priority="1"
>       darktable:iop_order="10.0100000000000"
> I have read on github that there were some issues regarding the reordering
> of modules. My use case here seems quite common, so I doubt that it is
> something new, but I was not able to find a similar description and I don't
> know what exactly I should do.
> A few questions to help me:
> 1) could you confirm it is actually not normal (it seems to me, since it
> changes the finale image, but maybe I missed something)?
> 2) if it is unexpected, where should I report it (on github?)?
> 3) do you think the iop order could be corrected afterwards (since the
> multi_priority is still there)? If not, I should probably I restore my 2.6
> data (rather than messing a lot of old edits).
> Thanks,
> Émile
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