There is a way to work around the mis or non identification of lenses.

I've written a lua script to correct the lens information in the image

It works by scanning selected images for the lens string.  You can specify
a replacement lens
string for any incorrect lens string.  Once the replacement strings are set
up, just select all the
images and hit apply the correct lens module.  Make sure the replacement
lens string matches
the lens string in the lensfun database.

This script is still a work in progress, but I use it all the time.  It's
available at

One note:  If you correct a lot of images at one time, it can take some
time (5-7 minutes for 1000+ images).


On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 5:14 PM Аl Воgnеr <> wrote:

> Am Sat, 7 Dec 2019 09:23:52 +0100
> schrieb Hervé Sainct <>:
> Hi,
> > Maybe, before asking for redesigning DT withanother library than exiv2
> > 'because in that distro it's old', I'd manually install a more recent
> > exiv2. Did you check what's available in Synaptic, possibly adding a
> > repo?
> Do you talk about Ubuntu? Other linux distris have a newer exiv2.
> I am "fighting" with thix exiv2 problem since 2 years and it looks like
> the problem will exist for 2 more years. Unfortunately it is not so
> easy for me to change the distro.
> exiv2 0.25-4ubuntu3 (s390x binary) in ubuntu focal
> Focal will be released in 2020.04 and is the coming LTS-version.
> Debian uses exiv2 0.25-4 since a very long time and 0.27.2-3 is in
> experimental (see )
> So this means the next long time release of Ubuntu will still have 0.25
> including all the troubles with new lenses.
> The reason for the problems are API changes from 0.25 to 0.26 maybe,
> but other distros managed the change.
> On the other side:
> Exiv2 can read an optional configuration file ~/.exiv2 on Unix
> I'm going to accept this assignment for v0.26 as we can't consider this
> for v0.25
> However, Digikam and Darktable doesn't apply any lens correction, cause
> my lens is identified incorrectly ...
> You can fix this for yourself. In Exiv2 v0.26, you can put the name of
> your lens into the file ~/.exiv2 This is discussed here.
> So there is no solution before 0.26.
> There are a lot of new lenses which lead to problems for Ubuntu
> users. I think **4** years are a very long time of problems and
> therefore my question, why a simple lens identification can make so
> much trouble and if there is not an alternative? Eg I can imagine a
> darktable configuration, use exiv2 or exiftool for lens identification.
> This should not be so much of coding.
> There will be new cameras and lenses always and there should be an easy
> workaround for users of new lenses. I like dt and would like to use it,
> but I have to look for another program if my equipment is not
> supported. But I will try a lot to use my fav dt.
> My lenscorrection files from Ubuntu 18.04 do not work out of the box in
> 19.10, but I think I will get it work again (1 already works again,
> very small changes are necessary and it is guessing what could help). I
> did things, which I would never do normally. I replaced the xml-files
> for the brands I use with the newest one from git, changed it from
> <lensdatabase version="2"> to <lensdatabase version="1">. So a lensfun
> update will replace these files. On the other side, I am pretty sure,
> there will be no update and if, it contains the new lenses hopefully.
> After the files from git my Pentax K-1 was recognized correctly, before
> it was recognized as K-S1 (a known bug since a long time)
> Before I tried:
> # lensfun-update-data
> Reading …
> Reading …
> Info: No newer database was found for last installed Lensfun.
> This didn't help for my lens-recognition.
> I tried to compile eviv2 and ended on dependencies / not available other
> packages. Any help is welcome. Please point me to the exact
> download-link, which I should use with Ubuntu 19.10. I gave up with
> Ubuntu 18.04 already because of dependency problems.
> I searched for repos of course
> does not show an Ubuntu 19.10
> specific repo. I have downloaded
> and set the
> environment, so I can use a newer version in the shell, but this
> doesn't help with dt.
> Maybe there is an exiv2-repo for Ubuntu in OBS, but I could not find it.
> At the end I am very unsure if a newer exiv2 helps to solve my problem
> with the Ricoh GR III, but for sure with other unknown dslr-lenses.
> I try to attach a small screenshot, which shows my Ricoh problem.
> Every things works, except that I have to select the lens manually.
> This GRIII has a fixed focus lens and is a compact camera with an APS-C
> sensor. It doesn't matter how I call the lens. Exiftool reports "GR
> Lens". If I call it "fixed lens", I have to select this name.
> IMHO it should be enough that the camera is recognized. The camera is
> recognized automatically as it should. So why a lens selection, if
> there is only one possible?
> Al
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