On Tue, 21 Jan 2020 15:01:05 -0500
Patrick Shanahan <p...@opensuse.org> wrote:

> Is there a manner to tag jpg photos for which
> there are matching/existing raw images?
> Either in dt or via sql?

I could only think of a mixture of shell script
and sql. Something like

  for xmp in $(find . -name "*.xmp"); do
    # transform $xmp to something in sql
    # construct sql statement
    # output formatted and escaped statement

so you could pipe the result through sqlite3. I
don't know the structure of the dt library, so
can't help a lot with constructing this
statement, but it should be something like
  update table set column ...

> I have severe performance problems with my
> current library (w/+300,000 > images) and want
> to start with a new library and import
> previous photos.

sqlite should be able to deal with this amount.
Sounds like you're missing some index. You'll
have to figure out which column of which table
is mostly used and create an index on each
of those.
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