
I wish to include an external command during the export. I don't find anything 
already build for this.
Thus I was thinking to use the event intermediate-export-image to do this but 
I'm not able to find the temporary filename to the exported file. It seems not 
to be exposed.

If it is not possible to get this temporary filename, what is the best way to 
include this command in my process, considering I wish to automatize it as much 
as possible.
Maybe it's possible by creating a new storage. In this case, what is the widget 
object to be able to use variables (like in directory and filename field in the 
"file on disk" storage).

My first use case is to include an exiftool in my workflow. Exiftool is an 
image to image command.
I have a second use case to create a zip file with all exported images; this 
external command is not to be launched image by image but only once, at the end 
of the export job (feasible if I create a full new storage I think).

Ps.: I use DT 2.6.3 but I think DT 3 don't have evolved on this point.

Regards, Fabrice.
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