
DT 3.0.0
Ubuntu 18.04 (upgraded from 16.04)
Intel MiniPC "NUC", core i3, 16 GB RAM, onboard graphics (7 y old, time
to upgrade, I know...),

I'm having a small issue with retouch as well. It does work, i.e. I can
place my shapes with click, move mouse cursor to source area, and
release, and retouching works as expected (as far as I have checked).

But the shapes do not show on the screen. I have to close the module,
and open it again, then the shapes are visible and I can e. g. move
them, etc.

Side note: This does _not_ happen with spot removal, here everything
works as expected. And in dt 2.6, also everything was fine.

Is that only my issue?

Thanks in advance, best regards,

Michael Staats
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