Am 19.04.20 um 20:48 schrieb J. Paul Bissonnette:
Is focus stacking possible in  darktable 3.0.2?
I am using an Olympus OM D E-M5 mark 2 with the latest firmware.
The reason I am asking is that the stacked jpg made by the camera is so
much clearer than the stacked dng file from darktable.
I maybe doing this all wrong I am assuming that focus stacking is a
form of HDR and used the Create HDR button.

Hallo Paul,
I do focus-stacking with the following workflow:

1. Export minimal pre-processed pictures of the stack from darktable into a folder.

2. Align the stack with control-points

3. Compose the final picture from sharp parts

4. copy exif-tags to the result (time, camera)

5. re-import the result into darktable for final processing


You can crop the pictures but all must habe the same size.
Use copy&paste history stack for all pictures.
You can use 16bit TIFF for better quality.

align_image_stack -v -m -a algn 20200420_0001.tif 20200420_0002.tif 20200420_0003.tif

Without "-a <prefix>" the dt-exports are overwritten with aligned versions.
With "-p file" a *.pto is created. That is a hugin-Projekt for manual interaction.

enfuse "$@" --exposure-weight=0 --saturation-weight=0 \
  --contrast-weight=1 --hard-mask --contrast-window-size=5 \
  --compression=92 --output=stacked.jpg  algn*.tif

Hugin can be used as a GUI to manually define some inclusion-/exclusion-masks for step 3. But most stacking is well done without hugin.
Step 3 can be done from hugin-gui.

There is a LUA-Script "enfuse professional" to assist you in this workflow. It can be found at:

But this LUA-Script will not work for a stack from your "Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mk.III" in some cases.

The reason is: Olymus has two modes for focus-stacking

 A. Focus-BKT ON, but Focus-Stacking OFF
 B. Focus-BKT ON, and Focus-Stacking ON

Mode A will take a set auf RAW-Pictures. Beginning with the focussed point, moving to the background. This will work with LUA "enfuse professional".

Mode B will take a set of RAW and JPG and will process the stacked picture in the camera as JPG, as you described. The first picture will be taken at the focussed point. Then the focus jumps nearer and then stepwise to the back. Before processing this stack with "align_image_stack" in step 3 you have to *sort this pictures by focus-point*. "align_image_stack" compares the pictures pair-wise in the given order to find the control-points. The first taken picture will not match with the second (nearest). The position of the first picture will be skipped. It is possible that the two pictures before and after this position don't have overlapping sharp areas when this area is very small.

When using the LUA-Script "enfuse professional" you have no chance to manually sort the pictures by "fucus-point" without renaming the pictures.

Therefore I dont use "enfuse professional" but small shell-scripts (*.sh) on my Linux-System.

A correction with hugin is not possible when using "enfuse professional". The aligned files are in /tmp and will be deletet. No chance for taking them for a hugin-project.

Take care not to use lens-correction twice, in darktable and in the LUA-Script.

The results auf "align_image_stack" + "enfuse" are better then the internal stacking of the camera.
I got some results on stacks where the camera fails to stack.

Good luck.

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