Congratulations for another great release to you guys. Your commitment is
super impressive and so are the results.

On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 10:09 AM Pascal Obry <> wrote:

> We're proud to announce the new feature release of darktable, 3.4.0!
> The github release is here:
> [
> .
> As always, please don't use the autogenerated tarball provided by
> github, but only our tar.xz. the checksums are:
> ```
> $ sha256sum darktable-3.4.0.tar.xz
> 6dd3de1f5ea9f94af92838c0be5ff30fdaa599aa1d737dcb562f9e0b2b2dbdda
> darktable-3.4.0.tar.xz
> $ sha256sum darktable-3.4.0.dmg
> da72476993160d1cb2ff8e40c6bd402f1032884936a9eb818197c936d4b22a14
> darktable-3.4.0.dmg
> $ sha256sum darktable-3.4.0.exe
> 29dee565292a4a72443874bb970663d46420f5a9ba74a5acfcb3251a48c86f7c
> darktable-3.4.0.exe
> ```
> When updating from the currently stable 3.2.x series, please bear in
> mind that your edits will be preserved during this process, but the new
> library and configuration will not be usable with 3.2.x any more, so
> you are strongly advised to take a backup first.
> #### Important note: to make sure that darktable can keep on supporting
> the raw file format for your camera, *please* read [this post](
> on
> how/what raw samples you can contribute to ensure that we have the *full*
> raw sample set for your camera under CC0 license!
> - Almost 2146 commits to darktable+rawspeed since 3.2
> - 700 pull requests handled
> - 116 issues closed
> ## The Big Ones
> - The user manual is made available at the same time as the
>   release. Note that this user manual is also the last version as a
>   new project has taken over the lead on this. The goal is to have
>   an up-to-date user manual by using a simpler format
>   to write text for contributors. Feedback or contributions for the
>   new format are welcome at
>   Current manual (multilingual):
>   New manual (English only):
> - The tethering view has been reworked and is now more stable.
> - The histogram is back on the tethering view (it was disabled in 3.2
>   due to lack of time)
> - A new module grouping feature has been introduced. This makes the "more
> modules" module
>   (at the bottom right of the darkroom) obsolete and this module has
> therefore been removed.
>   The module grouping feature allows users to create their own groups
>   of modules. A number of pre-defined module groups are included as presets
>   (default, minimal, scene-referred, display-referred,
>   all modules) as well as a new default module group tab layout (technical
> / grading / effects),
>   which beter organizes the modules according to their purpose.
> - Module masking is now enhanced for use with scene-referred workflows. A
> new masking implementation
>   has been added, with fully unbounded blending modes, which allows
> parametric masking
>   either in linear RGB or in JzCzHz color spaces. A boost factor slider
> has been
>   introduced in the masking GUI so that users may set thresholding
> parameters above 100%
>   to mask pixels in HDR images.
>   JzCzHz is derived from JzAzBz, which is a perceptual color space
> developed
>   for HDR and published in 2017, with better properties than CIE Lab from
> 1976,
>   allowing near-perfect hue linearity, for a robust hue/saturation masking.
>   A JzCzHz hue mask will produce the same output whether it is used
>   before input color profile, after output color profile, or anywhere
> in-between,
>   providing an important consistency improvement over HSL masking.
> - A new color calibration module has been added as a full-featured hub for
> color correction.
>   It was first intended as a scene-referred (unbounded) rewrite of the old
> channel mixer,
>   allowing corrections of the color space, both for creative and
> corrective purposes.
>   Because channel mixing is how white balancing and chromatic adaptation
>   are implemented, color calibration also introduces robust chromatic
> adaptation transforms,
>   Bradford (from ICC v4) and CAT16 (from CIECAM 2016), improving the color
> rendition
>   of the white-balanced final image. The module provides a library of all
> standard
>   CIE illuminants and two machine-learning illuminant detection
> algorithms, using
>   different assumptions, for when no neutral colors can be sampled from
> the image,
>   along with the traditional color-picker for manual sampling of neutral
> colors.
>   Color calibration internally implements gamut-mapping and gamut-clipping,
>   which attempts to preserve the hue and luminance of pixels while
> avoiding imaginary and
>   out-of-gamut colors at the beginning of the pipeline, to improve the
> robustness of
>   color-grading modules inside the pipeline. This is made necessary because
>   white balancing will only push input out-of-gamut colors farther away,
>   and will noticeably help dealing with artifical colored lights (LED,
> stage lighting, etc.).
>   A new workflow setting "chromatic adaptation defaults", in processing
> preferences,
>   allows users to choose to keep using the white balance module
>   to perform the chromatic adaptation for new edits ("legacy" worflow, the
> default)
>   or to use the new color calibration instead ("modern" workflow).
>   The modern workflow still uses the usual white balance module, although
>   with different default settings, because input color profiles and
>   demosaicing need at least a rough white balancing early in the pipe.
> - Map view has evolved. Images close to each other are now grouped and a
> count of
>   grouped images is displayed on the bottom-left corner. This provides
> better performance
>   when many images need to be shown on the map. Mouse-scrolling over a
> group's thumb scrolls through
>   the images of the group. Groups containing selected images are
> highlighted with a white border.
>   The image count is displayed as a white number if all images of the
> group are exactly at the
>   same place, and in yellow otherwise.
>   Movement of images within the map has also been improved.
> <kbd>Click</kbd> to drag the visible image,
>   <kbd>Shift-Click</kbd> to drag the full group. A new "locations" module
> allows you to define location
>   areas (using elliptical or rectangular shapes). These locations are
> saved as collections visible under "
>   geotagging" in the collect module.
> ## New Features And Changes
> - Some parts of the GUI have been reworked in this version to complete
>   the overhaul done in previous 3.2 release to ensure seamless
>   integration (color, spacing). A good example is the combo-boxes.
> - A focus-peaking button has been added in the lighttable and darkroom
> views which
>   complements the existing keyboard shortcut. Focus-peaking helps to
> visualize the
>   depth of field in an image by materializing the sharp edges.
> - Better visual feedback is provided when changing module order with
> drag&drop.
> - The wavelet algorithm has improved performance.
> - A new tooltip has been added to items in the darkroom history stack
> module showing
>   a list of the individual parameter changes at each step. This can
>   especially help to track down unintended adjustments in modules with
>   many tabs, such as filmic rgb or the parametric blending
>   settings. This feature was based on the under-the-hood introspection
>   enhancements delivered in 3.2.
> - Processing modules now have a new tooltip, accessible by hovering over
> their header, containing
>   a summary of what they do, how they work, in which color space they
> operate,
>   if they expect linear, non-linear, display-referred, or scene-referred
>   input and what kind of output they produce. This will help users to
>   build consistent pipelines when reordering modules, by exposing the
>   assumptions upon which each module is built, and provides an in-app
>   documentation summary accessible offline.
> - Processing modules have been updated with alias names and keyword lists
> which are used in the module group
>   search. As a result, a module search can be performed using the exact
> names,
>   synonyms (e.g. "dehaze" for "haze removal") or features. For example
> searching for "saturation"
>   will return all modules that can perform saturation adjustments.
> - Importing pictures from memory cards no longer uses the gPhoto API. This
>   should now be more stable on Windows.
> - Many changes have been made to modules to allow for narrower panels.
> - The bilateral filter (used in local contrast, for example) has been
> enhanced for better performance.
> - The reset button in the history module can now be used to delete the
> history stack.
> - <kbd>Ctrl+Clicking</kbd> on the 'compress history stack' will truncate
> the history without compressing it.
> - The export module has new options to specify the maximum output pixel
> dimensions using a
>   scale factor or print size (cm or inch) and DPI.
> - The Filmic RGB module has new graph views to help first time users.
>   These views include a default base curve view in linear and logarithmic
> scales,
>   consistent with the base curve module, and
>   a zone-system view which shows the dynamic range mapping between scene
>   and display grey scales. All the views have optional legends, which can
> be
>   toggled on for new users, and off for experienced users seeking more
>   GUI real-estate.
> - Changing the pixel workflow preference (none, display-referred,
>   scene-referred) no longer requires a restart.
> - The pixel-pipe cache can be fine-tuned for better performance.
> - The white balance  module can now show colored sliders with two available
>   modes: 'illuminant color' or 'effect emulation'.
> - More compact combo-box displays have been added to some modules.
> - In the collect module, the collection properties drop-down is now grouped
>   making it easier to find the property you wish to filter on.
> - Read support for 16-bit (half) float TIFFs has been added.
> - The channel mixer has been deprecated (now replaced with the new color
> calibration module)
> - The global color picker has been reworked and now comes with an enhanced
>   GUI. The colors can now be displayed in LCh or HSL.
> - Any user-amended preferences (those which differ from their default
> values) are now
>   indicated with a small bullet.
> - A new preference has been added to allow you to hide built-in presets.
> - All modules with a list (styles, image information etc.) can be
>   resized with a <kbd>Ctrl+Scroll</kbd> action.
> - The history copy has been changed to include only safe
>   modules. Modules like "raw white/black point" and "scale pixels" are
>   no longer copied, for example. To copy such modules, use the
>   "copy parts..." button. Note that the unsafe modules
>   are not selected by default in the resulting dialog.
> - A new exposure independent guided filter has been introduced in the
>   tone equalizer module. This solves the algorithmic drawback of the
>   regular guided filter (edge-aware surface blurring), that tends to
>   over-smooth low-lights and under-smooth highlights. These filters
>   are used by the tone equalizer to apply contrast compression globally
>   on the image while not reducing the percieved acutance for local details.
> - Greyscale support has been added for the AVIF format.
> - The "screen DPI overwrite" and "speed/quality trade-off for
>   drawing images" preferences have been combined into a single new
> performance mode for
>   slow computers. In this mode the thumbs are computed with a lower DPI
>   and use a faster drawing algorithm.
> - All values in the saved preferences are checked to detect possible
>   data corruptions. Preferences having a min or max are validated to
>   ensure that they are in the appropriate range. Any preferences detected
> with
>   possible data corruption are automatically reset to their default values.
> - Support for AVIF >= 0.8.2 (no support for older versions).
> - In order to guard against overwriting styles when exporting them,
>   a dialog is shown to allow the user to confirm or abort the action.
> - Output channel sliders for parametric masking are now hidden by default.
> - The over-exposure warning display has been improved. As of darktable
> 3.2.1,
>   it showed pixels for which any RGB channel value was below 0.1% or above
> 98%, assuming they
>   would clip in the final export, which is wrong. This mode triggered a
> lot of
>   false-positives that needlessly alarmed users who took them very
> seriously, but also
>   showed over-saturation and over-exposure issues altogether. This comes
> with 4 possible modes:
>   "any RGB channel" is the same as the previous "over exposure" warning.
>   "luminance only" shows by default pixels darker than -12.67 EV (sRGB
> black point
>   in 8 bits integers encoding) or brighter than 99%
>   "saturation only" shows any pixel which is too saturated for its current
> luminance,
>   meaning it is out of gamut.
>   "full gamut" shows a combination of the 3 previous modes for an overall
> control check.
>   These modes allow the user to take appropriate measures: exposure
> adjustments to fix luminance
>   clipping or saturation adjustments to fix gamut clipping.
> - A new preset has been added to the denoise (profiled) module to remove
> only chrominance
>   noise using wavelets mode.
> - Many modules have been reworked to get better performance on CPU by
>   reordering and improving the OpenMP code. The modules are Liquify,
>   Shadows and Highlights, Filmic RGB reconstruction, RAW Denoise, Borders,
> High Pass.
> - The histogram has been improved for performance espcecially the log view.
> ## Bug fixes
> - Fix orientation in the clipping module after having selected the
> freehand aspect ratio.
> - Fix compilation issue with AVIF format support.
> - Fix multiple small memory leaks.
> - Fix daylight saving time in `$(EXIF_HOUR)` variable.
> - Fix timestamp display on Windows (use UTF-8 format for timestamps).
> - Fix many issues on the zoomable lighttable view introduced in 3.2
>   with the lighttable rewrite.
> - Fix possible flickering while displaying thumbnails on the lighttable.
> - Fix liquify module interaction with nodes, line and curves when
>   zooming and/or down-sampling is activated.
> - Fix some issues with lighttable display (thumbnails) when using
>   HiDPI monitor.
> - Fix styles undo/redo in the darkroom.
> ## Notes
> - The code base has been significantly simplified and refactored,
>   which will make future code maintenance easier.
> - Many more tests have been added to track regressions in image filter
>   outputs and ensure backwards compatibility of edits. The testsuite
>   counts now 77 tests and covers all the modules currently supported.
> ## Lua
> - API changed to 6.1.0
> - Button labels can now be ellipsized
> - Stack widgets can now shrink and grow as panel width changes.
> - A Lua Scripts Installer module now runs at startup offering to
>   install the lua scripts unless they are already installed or the
>   module has been disabled by the user.  The module uses the git
>   executable to install the scripts so it must be present on the
>   user\'s system in order for this to work.
> - darktble uses Lua 5.3.  Lua 5.4 has been released and is now the
>   default Lua for some distributions.  Please install the Lua 5.3
>   library package if your distribution is using Lua 5.4 as the
>   default.  If you compile darktable, then you may also set
>   `DONT_USE_INTERNAL_LUA` to OFF in the DefineOptions.cmake file
>   to use the internal Lua.
> ## Changed Dependencies
> - Due to the current GMIC version windows users may have to rename two
> libraries
>   in the darktable bin folder to get lut3d module
> working:`libopencv_code4xx` and `libopencv_videoio4xx`
>   should be renamed to `libopencv_code440` and `libopencv_videoio440`
> respectively.
> ## RawSpeed changes
> * CR2 decompressor was rewritten, the subsampled (mRAW/sRAw) data is now
> stored in packed format,
>   which made interpolation beneficial for auto-vectorization by LLVM/Clang
>   (after fixing over-eager common code hoisting (
>    and teaching it to perform SROA after loop unrolling (
>   resulting in modest performance improvements, also, `4:2:0` case was
> parallelized:
>   see
> /
> ## Camera support, compared to 3.2.1
> ### Base Support
> - Canon EOS REBEL T7i
> - Nikon Z 5 (14bit-compressed, 12bit-compressed)
> - Olympus E-M10 Mark IV
> - Panasonic DC-GX7MK3 (4:3)
> - Panasonic DC-S5 (3:2)
> - Sony ILCE-7C
> - Sony ZV-1
> ### White Balance Presets
> - Canon EOS 200D
> - Canon EOS Kiss X9
> - Canon EOS Rebel SL2
> - Canon EOS M5
> - Canon EOS M6
> - Nikon 1 V2
> - Nikon Z 50
> - Sony ILCE-6600
> ### Noise Profiles
> - Panasonic DC-G90
> - Panasonic DC-G91
> - Panasonic DC-G95
> - Panasonic DC-G99
> - Ricoh GR II
> - Sony NEX-5T
> ## Translations
> - Afrikaans
> - Czech
> - German
> - European Spanish
> - Finnish
> - French
> - Hebrew
> - Hungarian
> - Italian
> - Polish
> - Brazilian Portuguese
> - Russian
> - Slovak
> - Slovenian
> --
>   Pascal Obry /  Magny Les Hameaux (78)
>   The best way to travel is by means of imagination
>   gpg --keyserver --recv-key F949BD3B
> ____________________________________________________________________________
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