On 05/05/2021 13:31, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> so what you desire is possible but not "easy" ...
> you desire an iso, exposure or aperture range that employs AI?
> please explain in more detail what you would have different.
> then, perhaps a "feature" request would be appropriate.

Hi Patrick
I think I did that.

a) Allow preset customizations that let you select which parameter of a
module is set by a preset, and which not, or; alternatively, and easier
to implement,
b) hardcode that some parameters of some modules are never set by a
preset, those which just don't make sense, like focal length in lens

Option b is less flexible, and maybe someone actually _wants_ focal
length to be set by a preset, and not from the picture, who knows...
They would not like this change.

Best regards,

Michael Staats
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