On 12/22/21 10:29, Mediacombb wrote:
. . . and possibly looking at entirely the wrong app.

I play with a camera that produces 6x4.5 120 negatives. I scan (photograph) 
those B/W  film negative images using my Nikon Zfc digital camera, saving the 
digital images as JPGs on an SD card.

What I want from this app, or for that matter some other app I'm apparently 
unawares, is to take the B/W digital negative images from the SD card in my MAC 
AIR and convert them into positive image JPGs, permitting me to then save them 
in the MAC AIR.

THAT's all I want; just convert negative images into positive images.

Is this the right app for me? Thanks for any advice,

alf, in Iowa
Sent from my iPad
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You can do that with the Preview app on your Mac.  It works with monochrome as well as color.

CLICK HERE <https://osxdaily.com/2019/07/27/how-invert-image-mac-preview/#:~:text=How%20to%20Invert%20Colors%20in%20Preview%20on%20Mac,when%20satisfied%20with%20the%20color%20inversion%20See%20More.>

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