Le 01/07/2023 à 08:19, Pascal Obry a écrit :
We're proud to announce the new corrective release of darktable, 4.4.1!

The github release is here: 

As always, please don't use the autogenerated tarball provided by
github, but only our tar.xz file. The checksums are:



A few days after 4.4 release announce, I tried to compile from sources, following the steps I used for 4.2 - and that was still up-to-date at this time. I ended up with abort due to many missing dependancies and gcc-12+ mandatory. After some time spent to satisfy most of the dependancies, I still could not override the gcc problem. I finally thought I had solved it, after some more browsing, but the only result was a fatal system crash and I had to reinstall from scratch. I am now in the previous state of dt 4.2.1 running, but not willing to try again the compiling adventure without being sure I will not run into the same issue again. Have the compiling instructions been updated, so I will be able to reach the end of the process ? I am currently running Ubuntu 22.04-2, and the steps for getting dt from sources are those :

   # Pré-requis : installation des dépendances
   sed -e '/^#\sdeb-src /s/^# *//;t;d' "/etc/apt/sources.list" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list >
   /dev/null \
      && (
        sudo apt update
        sudo apt build-dep darktable
   sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/darktable-sources-tmp.list

   # Prérequis : Dépendances
   sudo apt install gcc g++ cmake intltool xsltproc libgtk-3-dev
   libxml2-utils libxml2-dev liblensfun-dev librsvg2-dev libsqlite3-dev
   libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev liblcms2-dev
   libjson-glib-dev libexiv2-dev libpugixml-dev

   # Paquets divers
   sudo apt install exiv2 libexiv2-27 libexiv2-dev libgmic1 libheif1
   libraw20 checkinstall

   # Clônage du dépôt GIT
   git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
   cd darktable
   git fetch --tags
   git checkout tags/release-4.4.0

   # Récupération des sous-modules
   git submodule update --init

   # Build manuel
   mkdir build/
   cd build/
   cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ ..
   sudo checkinstall --pkgname=darktable
   --pakdir=/home/jean-luc/.config/debian --nodoc



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