Sorry everybody,
seems i messed up. I installed 4.6.1 now and the results are just as good
as ever.
Cheers, Ulli

Am Do., 25. Apr. 2024 um 20:35 Uhr schrieb Ulrich vor dem Esche <>:

> Hey everybody,
> i got a problem recently: My impression was, that my results got less
> sharp on darktable 4.6 for windows. I installed dt 3.6 again, and while it
> didn't work well with my new windows 11, the result was WAY better! I can
> include the images if that makes sense. I edited both in a similar way..
> i used the 'Sharpen' function, radius 1.2, strength 0.5, threshold 0.5,
> and local contrast 115%, lights 50%, shadows 50%, mid 0.5
> Cheers, Ulli

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