"Handle" == can use p2 sites as dependencies?
"Handle" == can create p2 sites?

Just like that old SNL sketch about a floor wax / dessert topping... it's both!

What do you consider a complex layout? Pascal can (nearly?) build all of equinox & p2 with Tycho. Is that complex enough?

I've used it for eclipse.org builds, jboss.org builds, and even a couple sf.net builds. As long as the output desired is an update site/zip, then yes, you're golden.

Personally, I prefer a nested layout w/ trunk/plugins/*, trunk/features/*, trunk/tests/*, etc., but I just set up pi4soa to build w/ Tycho using a flat layout of trunk/*. If you go nested, I have an Ant script which can generate you pom.xml files from the tree given you already have feature.xml and manifest.mf files.


Using Tycho/Maven, you can also publish in maven2 repo format (if you prefer to resolve deps from m2 repos using m2eclipse than with p2/PDE from p2 sites when writing your code).

Meanwhile, on the buckminster side of the fence, I saw Kenn Hussey demo generating a p2/m2 hybrid site with the b2 aggregator @ last week's Eclipse Demo Camp Toronto. So, both technologies can handle creation of p2 and m2 repos.

On 07/09/2010 04:11 PM, Miles Parker wrote:

Hmmm... I've been killing myself on Bucky for the last week. Does Tycho handle 
P2 sites yet? Their webpage seems to indicate no, but you seem to be saying 
yes. Can it deal with complex project layouts ok?

On Jul 9, 2010, at 12:21 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:

I am *not* *not* *not* going to get into Maven now, lol.

That was my attitude for a year as I fought w/ Athena+PDE. Having drunk the 
Tycho kool-aid (it's come a long way since last year) I can say I prefer it to 
Athena's approach to simplifying PDE. I'm still not very well versed in 
Buckminster to really comment on it; however, I did get annoyed recently by p2 
issues using the B3 Aggregator (formerly the Buckminster Aggregator), and found 
that Tycho can do with negligible code what Bucky/b3 requires a ton of Ant 

But with all things, YMMV, and what works for you is the best solution, 
regardless of bandwagons, cheerleaders, or executive decrees. At the end of the 
day, it's what gets the job done that matters.




On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:28 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:

That's pretty much how PDE works...

1. Hudson checks out your code into its job workspace.
2. When changes occur, it kicks a build for you.
3. Then the PDE build fetches sources from map file and you end up with double 
the source on disk. Hella inefficient.

Alternative approach is to have the PDE build use local sources already on disk 
as fetched by Hudson, rather than having the build provision the sources for 
you. Athena does this using the localSourceCheckoutDir variable; Bucky prolly 
has an analoguous approach.

There's also the non-PDE approach using Tycho+Maven, which simply builds from 
the already-available sources in Hudson's workspace. Doesn't support fetching 
from map file, only from a branch/tag (that is, it'll build whatever Hudson's 
already fetched). Ideal for CVS, SVN, or Git sources.


On 07/08/2010 02:38 PM, Miles Parker wrote:
Hi all,

I'm wondering how people are setting up SCM WRT Buckminster.

1. As I understand things it seems like best practices with Buckminster would 
involve pulling everything from Version Control through Buckminster?
2. Except that the releng site, i.e. rmap, cspec etc.. obviously need to be 
there so they need to be bootstrapped into the Hudson workspace, presumably 
through Hudson SCM.
3. And, you want any changes in covered code to trigger an SCM which (I think?) 
means bringing all of that stuff over from SCM first.

2 and 3 sort of seem to conspire against 1, or am I missing something here.

Also, I think this might have been asked before, but is there any way to view 
the configurations of other projects to see how they've got things setup?


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Nick Boldt :: http://nick.divbyzero.com
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling&    Dash Athena
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Nick Boldt :: http://nick.divbyzero.com
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling&   Dash Athena
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Nick Boldt :: http://nick.divbyzero.com
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling&  Dash Athena
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Nick Boldt :: http://nick.divbyzero.com
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
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