Hey guys,

    I¹ve been pretty successful getting the VTP builds back up and running
using the Buckminster system.  The only problem I¹m having now is getting
the update site published.  I¹ve pulled the promote.xml out of the common
builder and modified it to only perform the update site publishing using a
simplified path scheme since I¹m doing the publishing immediately after the
build finishes.  Everything seems to work perfectly until the creation of
the update directory.  I get this error from the promote.xml file:

/org.eclipse.vtp.releng.buckminster/promote.xml:88: Directory
/home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org/technology/vtp/helios creation was not
successful for an unknown reason

I have attached the current version of this file and the properties file for
review.  I may be missing something here, any help would be appreciated.

Trip Gilman

Attachment: promote-N.properties
Description: Binary data

Attachment: promote.xml
Description: Binary data

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