Thanks Dennis, that's extremely helpful.

On Aug 10, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Dennis Hübner wrote:

> Hi Miles,
>> 1. Have you thought about the following issue with multiple CVS imports? It 
>> seems that because we use CVS SCM management, but also Buckminster is 
>> pulling from CVS (i.e. you aren't using "local" reader) that it only makes 
>> sense to grab latest releng as you're doing rather than the whole source 
>> tree. And the buckminster cvs provider once it sees artifacts in workspace 
>> it simply leaves them as is. This means that it is impossible to use SCM 
>> triggered builds anymore, correct? Which means that I think you have it set 
>> up to just automatically trigger every t periods. And then you need to 
>> simply wipe out build space every time a new build is triggered. I suppose 
>> that is probably best anyway to ensure an absolutely clean build but it 
>> means two areas where resource use and build time would go up.
> Now we use git as SCM, but for CVS I think it's a good idea to 
> checkout/update with hudson, because of hudsons "Last changes" feature. Than 
> point buckminster to this checkout location for grabbing sources. SCM 
> triggered builds are not a problem any more.

Good to know. I'm having hell of a time getting local Hudson to work with CVS, 
and I think I'm just going to give up on that. I want to go to Git as well, but 
I don't have time right now.

>> 2. Why do you use both mv shell script and archive artifacts?
> mv shell moves files from some deep folders in your hudson workspace root, 
> than archive artefacts stores this files in your build folder (#30 or what 
> ever). Means if you just use archive artefacts only, you will get very long 
> URLs like 

Yes, that solves a real problem for sure.
> For the publisher there is a web front, so not only you but other developer 
> are able to promote too. An another advantage is that hudson shows you which 
> builds was promoted and so the current promote state.
>> 4. There is a parameter for REFERENCE_REPOSITORY. This seems to be used for 
>> comparison purposes, but I'm not sure why it's needed, that is why you don't 
>> simply promote any new build. Is that being referred to from the publish 
>> script?
> If your build was not triggered by SCM, there may be builds where nothing is 
> changed. They will be normally promoted (i.e. cron job) and so marked as 
> updateable/new. Reference repository should prevent this.

OK, so it sounds like it is actually doing a post-build check. That's a nice 

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