One thing to be careful of is the term Release. It means something very specific at eclipse. So I would do something like:

Snapshot  (i.e. Nightly or Daily build deployments)


On 03/13/2011 04:27 PM, Aaron Digulla wrote:
Am 13.03.2011 19:13, schrieb Alex Blewitt:

Before we do that ... are we happy with the five repositories that I
proposed the other day? If so, I'll put them on the wiki so we're all
working towards the same thing.
Please put them in the Wiki so we can all have a look and give some
comments to make sure we know what we agree on.

While we're at it, everyone should probably have a look at
for some gentle introduction into Eclipse's view of the world.

Documentation: Don't forget to add some explanations *why* we want
something. So:


.../release Release repo
.../release Nightly

is bad. Users can see the repos on Nexus. Don't repeat boring stuff.
People ask questions. Like "Which one should I use? Why did they do it
this way? Why didn't they put everything in a single repo?" So try:


.../release Release repo
.../release Nightly


The release repo is for official releases only (like Helios a.k.a
3.6.0). If you want stable, go there.

The milestone repo is a bit less stable. You can find the regular
milestone builds here (link to timetable?). Use it if you need a pretty
stable and pretty current version.



Maybe link to a page which explains what a "Nightly", ... build really is.


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