Am 20.03.2011 16:28, schrieb Chris Aniszczyk:
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Alex Blewitt <> wrote:
>> I have created a repository for hosting the Orbit repositories at Eclipse.
>> I'd like to populate this with the current set of approved Orbit releases. 
>> If so, where do we find these from? We can acquire these using Aaron's 
>> conversion script but would like to get at least the JARs from the valid 
>> upstream source rather than jus assuming that the set of non org.eclipse.* 
>> JARs are the current Orbit approved contents.
> The latest Stable is generally what we want.

I've downloaded the latest release (
into /home/nexus/Downloads.

Can someone please try to use my tools in
/home/nexus/workspace/ to convert the
download into a new m2repo? I'd like to see whether I've missed
something :-)


Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark "It's not the universe
that's limited, it's our imagination. Follow me and I'll show you
something beyond the limits."
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