On 21 Mar 2011, at 17:15, David Carver wrote:

> Attached is a first cut at a settings.xml file to be used by eclipse.org 
> projects, using Maven as their build system.   This directs all artifact 
> requests to go to maven.eclipse.org instead of going to the individual 
> repositories.   The goal is that eventually deploy this to the various build 
> slaves so that all requests for artifacts go to maven.eclipse.org instead of 
> out to central itself.

You need to fix the http://central URL, which looks a little short :)

We should figure out short names to use and then hook up the settings.xml to 
use that instead. We need to figure out what they should be called though - I'm 
happy to set up the Apache proxy to do the same once we figure out the naming 
conventions. I don't really want to have /nexus/content/* in any of our 
settings.xml files to allow us to be flexible in the future.

Otherwise, it looks good - but I'm curious to know whether they're using a 
pre-defined cache to resolve the plugins :)


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