Am 23.04.2012 20:08, schrieb Miles Parker:

> That's kind of perverse, given that one
> of the major points of Open Source is to be able to share code with
> one another...


OSS is not about sharing code with just anyone; it's only with anyone
you happen to like!

The main difference to proprietary software is that OSS developers don't
believe that you can buy love. And they especially hate you if you
happen to use a different OSS license than the one which they
painstakingly selected after a long time of suffering (reading legalese,
trying to understand it, telling your shrink that you're not insane -
the rest of the world is and you can prove it, ...)

It's an ego problem: I spent a year to find the perfect license, so
everyone else must be an idiot (proof: they use a different one). And
who would want to share their hard work with fools?



Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark
"It's not the universe that's limited, it's our imagination.
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