It's amazing to see how much energy is devoted to a "bike shed issue"
(like ==) when the opportunity arises, and how little responses an
actual bug report tends to see here.

It's also great to see dash now gradually making a U-turn, after the
crusade against "bashisms" has broken so many scripts and wasted so
many man-hours for Debian / Ubuntu users.

Keep on rocking, guys!

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Guido Berhoerster
<> wrote:
> * David A. Wheeler <> [2011-03-07 15:56]:
>> Jonathan Nieder:
>> > > > dash tends to support features that ash and older
>> > > > versions of dash supported (to avoid breaking backward compatibility)
>> I said:
>> > > Busybox's ash *already* supports "==", so I think that's *also*
>> > > an argument for adding "==".
>> > >  After all, adding "==" would improve compatibility between
>> > > busybox ash and dash, and its effect on space and speed is miniscule.
>> Guido Berhoerster:
>> > By that argument pretty much every (mis)feature of bash...
>> But is "==" a misfeature? I don't think so.
> Mind the braces, also my argument was directed more generally
> towards adding further non-SUS/POSIX extensions to dash.
>> >  can be
>> > included into dash because people keep writing scripts assuming
>> > /bin/sh == bash which of course will not work on dash.
>> That's not the argument I made there; I wasn't talking about bash.
>> Jonathan Nieder said that dash "tends to support features [of] ash".
>> Busybox ash is *also* an ash, as shown in this family tree:
>> Busybox ash is an *ash*, it's not *bash*, and dash is lacking a feature
>> for compatibility with another *ash*.
> There are many variants of ash and some of them are already
> incompatible with each other (e.g. the -nt/-ot test operators
> that I pointed out in my previous reply). Why should we care
> about busybox ash anyway it seems to be the only ash descendant
> to implement that, the FreeBSD/NetBSD ones don't.
>> > I consider dash's orientation towards POSIX/SUS compliance and
>> > lack of support for many extensions a feature...
>> > Hence I don't think it is a good idea to add this to
>> > dash before it is being standardized.
>> Most comments about "==" in the POSIX/SUS group have been positive.  There 
>> was only one negative comment that I remember, and it primarily noted that 
>> == is not in dash and FreeBSD.  If the POSIX group will never add new 
>> capabilities until dash adds them, and dash will never add anything until 
>> POSIX adds them, we have a deadlock :-).
> I don't think the discussions taking place under the umbrella at
> the Austing group would give that much weight to dash as == is a
> feature addition of ksh and later bash which are probably in more
> widespread use than dash. Besides, if it really was to be part of
> an upcoming standard it should of course be added as dash aims
> to be a "POSIX-compliant implementation" of the shell.
> Note that there are also at least two different "test" variants
> used with ash, there is a combined test/expr builtin and
> standalone version of the test command included in the ash
> sources from 1989 and there are various versions derived from the
> pdksh test command which was imported by NetBSD and has spread
> from there to FreeBSD and the first the ash Linux port in 1993.
>> > and allows one to easily spot bashisms in /bin/sh scripts.
>> This is no longer a "bashism", as it's also in ksh and busybox ash at least, 
>> and probably others.
> Sure, but so are many other features of the test builtins that
> come with these shells.
> I was generically referring to "bashisms" since the ignorance
> in using such non-standard features and constructs while
> requesting the /bin/sh interpreter seems to be a particularly
> common bad habit among bash users coming from the linux camp
> where it often is a symlink to bash (Debian and its derivatives
> being the notable exception here). (I'm also not implying that
> one should expect /bin/sh to be the POSIX shell.)
>> > it makes it easy
>> > to extend with later POSIX features without breaking backwards
>> > compatibility
>> Given how many shells already implement "==" as "=", it's highly improbable 
>> that it would ever have a different semantic.  It's hard to make the 
>> semantics clearer, in fact: "synonym for =".
> In this case that might be correct, however...
>> > [I consider the] lack of support for many extensions a feature,
>> BusyBox doesn't want lots of options either, yet even their ash supports 
>> "==". The page <> says:
>> "BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single 
>> small executable... The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options 
>> [but] provide the expected functionality...  BusyBox has been written with 
>> size-optimization and limited resources in mind."
>> There's value in "lean and mean", but this is a few bytes we're talking 
>> about, for a feature that is already widely used.
> ... I was trying to make a more generic argument, in particular
> where does one draw the line? What will be added next? There are
> surely a lot of scripts that break because they use "[[", and
> it's also widely implemented and useful since it doesn't do
> pathname expansion and word splitting, that applies to the "<"
> and ">" test operators as well etc. etc.
> Currently, from what I can see the criteria for including
> features in dash seems to have been compliance with POSIX/SUS
> specification while simultaneously maintaining backwards
> compatibility with custom extensions and I think that has worked
> well.
> --
> Guido Berhoerster
> --
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