
On Don, 20 Apr 2006, D Bera wrote:
> > my /etc/beagle/external-filters.xml
> What is your sysconfdir set to ? It is possible that beagle is looking
> for the file in
> $PREFIX/etc/beagle/external-filters.xml
> (where PREFIX is either /usr or /usr/local)

I took a look into the Debian build process and it looks like that
sysconfdir is /usr/etc, because the beagle-crawl-system is moved from
/usr/etc to /usr/share/doc/beagle/...

So, yes, sysconfdir is set to /usr/etc, which is bad, at least on a
debian system.... writing a bug report.

BTW, Is here an easy way to check whether beagle would index a file?
Something like
        beagle-file-info foo.tex

Thanks a lot and all the best


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
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