On Sun, 2006-04-23 at 09:55 -0400, D Bera wrote:
> > oops. Well, it kind of did. But as far as I can tell, it went away after
> > it finished indexing my email. dBera, you mentioned before you thought
> > this might be a memory leak. Is there any easy ways for us to trace
> > that?
> Well, if it went away after indexing of email finished then you should
> forgive beagle for the initial greediness :)
> Its hard to identify memory leak. I generally follow these steps to
> determine if beagle is leaking:
> - start beagle with only the suspect backend
>   e.g. beagled --allow-backend Files --fg --debug
> - note initial memory usage (more emphasis on RSS than VMsize) when
> the backend is starting up
> - if beagle is indexing, let it finish indexing; if it is crawling let
> it finish crawling (beagle might need to keep some internal data
> during these operations)
> - note beagle memory usage
> - if there is a substantial increase, i conclude there "might" be a
> leak. (I generally look at beagled and not the helper)
> If you find a leak and decide to investigate further, you can use the
> mono profiling tools (esp. heap-buddy written by Jon) to narrow down
> the leak. Joe recently wrote a nice blog about one of his
> leak-plugging sessions http://joeshaw.org/2006/03/17/386 .
> May the force, err... the beagle, be with you.

hehe. I'll probably need it. I'll get back to this soon. 


> - dBera
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Debajyoti Bera @ http://dbera.blogspot.com
> beagle / KDE fan
> Mandriva / Inspiron-1100 user

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