
On Thu, 2006-06-15 at 09:37 +0200, Alessandro Magni wrote:
> One question only:
> these filters are used by Beagle to find info stored in my files, so 
> that it can report them as found, right? 

All files are always indexed (things like filename).  These external
filters allow the content of files that are otherwise unknown to Beagle
to be indexed as well.

> How it is possible then to associate an "action" to execute on a 
> particular file reported by  beagle-search? (e.g. I wrote a filter to 
> extract comments from Grace files 
> http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/Grace/: how can I launch xmgrace 
> on them?)

Unfortunately there's no way to do this within Beagle.  Right now file
associations are done through the GNOME APIs.  The only way I know of to
set up or change file associations in GNOME is through Nautilus.

>From Nautilus, right-click on the type of file you want to change, and
click Properties.  Go to the "Open With" tab and (assuming the app you
want isn't listed there), click "Add".

It'd be great if someone whipped up a standalone tool for this; you're
not the first person to ask this.  (I'd refer to the archive but it
appears to be broken right now.)


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