On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 21:08 +0100, John Halton wrote:
> Thunderbird emails still aren't showing up for me in beagle-search. I'm
> running Beagle 0.2.8 and Thunderbird, both from Debian Sid.
> >From the previous thread started by Rick Friedman, I've established that
> the Thunderbird backend is installed, and it is listed under beagled
> --list-backends. Reading through the log (attached), the backend appears
> to be starting up and indexing my Thunderbird emails. But then when I
> search using a key word from those emails, I get zero results coming
> through (see search for "Pseudogenes" referred to at end of attached
> log).
> Any thoughts? Is the fact that my default email program in Gnome is
> still set as Evolution likely to be relevant?
> John

Hi John,

Are you using IMAP? and if so, are you sure the emails are being stored
locally? I think Thunderbird by default leaves the emails on the

Hope this helps.


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