
i tried to change the line in configure.in to 2.1.19 but when i now 
build beagle and run it, it always gives out the following lines:

"** (/usr/local/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe:20785): WARNING **: The 
following assembly referenced from 
/usr/local/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemonLib.dll could not be loaded:
      Assembly:   gmime-sharp    (assemblyref_index=6)
      Public Key: 677013d4cb5910f0
The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed 
in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the 
executing assembly (/usr/local/lib/beagle)."

i already tried to remove libgmime2.1-cil with "apt-get remove 
libgmime2.1-cil" and then reinstalling it to make sure beagle won't use 
some gmime-sharp 2.2 files anymore, but this didnt help

is changing configure.in really the only thing i have to change in order 
to get beagle 0.2.10 work with gmime sharp 2.1.19?


Andreas Heinz wrote:
> good morning,
> thanks for the tips. didn't know that searching for wildcards is 
> possible. i'll try when i'm at home again.
> and thanks also for the tip with gmime, i'll change configure.in :)
> have a nice day
> Andreas
> Joe Shaw wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 23:02 +0200, Andreas Heinz wrote:
>>> i used the ui and searched for
>>> "windows xp"
>>> "win xp sp"
>>> "win k sp 2"
>>> this was all i remembered and if you see the filename this should have 
>>> been enough.
>> The name of the file was:
>>         WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-service-pack-2-DEU.exe
>> The reason why your search didn't work was because the name of the file
>> is "WindowsXP".  From an analysis standpoint, that is a single word
>> which stems down to "windowsxp", which is not the same was "windows xp".
>> And even if it were two words, it wouldn't stem down to "win", it would
>> stem down to "window", which is why the two later searches wouldn't
>> work.  The analyzer isn't backed by a dictionary, so there are no
>> special cases (windows -> win, for example) with the exception of stop
>> words (a, the, an, of, etc.).
>> To get this, you'll have to either rename the file to add a space,
>> hyphen, or underscore between "Windows" and "XP", or you'll have to
>> alter your search to be "windowsxp" or "windows*" or "win*".
>>> i used beagle 0.2.9 on ubuntu, build from source.
>>> this evening i tried to build 0.2.10 but had to build gmime-sharp 2.2.0 
>>> myself, since ubuntus version is only 2.1.19.
>> The change is actually artificial, because I didn't want to depend on
>> software listed as "unstable".  (GMime follows the kernel versioning
>> scheme.)  You can change the requirement in the "configure.in" back down
>> to 2.1.19 if you want and run "autoreconf" and rebuild.
>> Thanks,
>> Joe
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