On Sat, 2006-09-30 at 07:33 -0700, Ken Harris wrote:
> Hi,
> I want Beagle to be able to filter my Go games; the file format
> standard for these is called SGF.  So I've written a really rough
> implementation of such a beast:
>     http://gimmego.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Source/SGFFilter.cs
> (It's my first Beagle filter, and even my first C# program, so excuse
> the mess -- but also tell me how to improve it.)
Awesome, welcome to the club :)
> If I compile it and copy it to /usr/lib/beagle/Filters/, I can
> beagle-extract-content foo.sgf and see the output I want, but I
> haven't gotten it to give results that show up in the Beagle Search
> window.

That's probably just an issue of indexing. When you add a new file like
that, you would have to delete ~/.beagle/Indexes (and you probably wanna
delete ~/.beagle/TextCache also, just so it doesn't get enormous) and
restart the daemon. Then wait for it to crawl your SGF files.

> Questions:
> - Is there a list of properties that we can/should use (like
> "fixme:width")?  (Can we just make them up?)
Look in the other filters to try and keep some consistency, but as a
general rule, its dublincore when possible, then pretty much whatever
you want. 
> - Is there anything magic I need to do, once beagle-extract-content is
> working, to get it to index my files and have them appear in the
> Beagle Search window?
See above comment about restarting daemon and deleting indexes.
> - Generic plea for help from anybody who knows C# and Beagle better
> than me, which is everybody reading this.  :-)
> - Once it's working well, is there a process to get it included in
> Beagle (assuming this would fall under the scope of the Beagle
> project)?  I guess I should open a bugzilla bug for it.
That's pretty much the protocol, just open a bug and attach a patch so
it doesn't get lost. I don't know one thing about sgf files, so I can't
give you a ton of feedback on the code itself.
> Thanks!
> - Ken
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