
Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> Saw this in my beagle log just before it died:
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX: Unhandled exception thrown.  
> Exiting immediately.
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX: System.DllNotFoundException: 
> /usr/lib/cli/evolution-sharp-2.0/libevolutionglue.so
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper 
> managed-to-native) 
> Evolution.CalUtil:e_cal_glue_from_objects_to_glue_components (intptr)
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at 
> Evolution.CalUtil.CalCompFromICal (IntPtr ical_objects, Evolution.Cal ecal) 
> [0x00000] 
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at 
> Beagle.Daemon.EvolutionDataServerQueryable.CalContainer.OnObjectsAdded 
> (System.Object o, Evolution.ObjectsAddedArgs args) [0x00000] 
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper delegate-invoke) 
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_ObjectsAddedArgs 
> (object,Evolution.ObjectsAddedArgs)
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at 
> Evolution.CalView.ObjectsAddedSignalCallback (IntPtr arg0, IntPtr arg1, 
> IntPtr gch) [0x00000] 
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper 
> native-to-managed) Evolution.CalView:ObjectsAddedSignalCallback 
> (intptr,intptr,intptr)
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at <0x00000> <unknown method>
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at (wrapper 
> managed-to-native) GLib.MainLoop:g_main_loop_run (intptr)
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at GLib.MainLoop.Run () 
> [0x00000] 
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at 
> Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon.DoMain (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 
> 20061217 11:39:15.1814 20855 Beagle ERROR EX:   at 
> Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] 
> Maybe I'm misreading the error message but:
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 86824 2006-08-20 17:40 
> /usr/lib/cli/evolution-sharp-2.0/libevolutionglue.so

I've followed up on the related bug:


Since other people are seeing it and it's related to a downstream Ubuntu 
bug, it would be helpful post findings there.

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