> I wonder what is the current state of Opera backend for Beagle? Here:
> http://beagle-project.org/Supported_Filetypes its being said that
> Opera web history indexing is supported. And here:
> http://beagle-project.org/RoadMap we have a link to an old bugzilla
> entry marked as "RESOLVED - FIXED" which means that we now have an
> Opera backend for Beagle. But in "beagle-info --list-backends" output
> on my system with Beagle-0.2.18 there is nothing about Opera.

Opera backend is present in svn trunk and will be available in 0.3. As
for 0.2.x releases, 0.2.16+ were all bugfix releases so it was not
included. But I have no idea what Opera version it supports.

Possibly it is even included in the tarball but not added to the build system.

- dBera

Debajyoti Bera @ http://dtecht.blogspot.com
beagle / KDE fan
Mandriva / Inspiron-1100 user
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