
As far as I know, no one is currently actively working on Dashboard.
However, that's about to change in the next couple months.

My dissertation topic (which is effectively implementing Dashboard)
has been approved, so I'll start working on that at the end of the
current semester (December).

The last time I downloaded the Dashboard code from the Google project
site, it crashed at run-time.  I think the libwnck API has changed
sufficiently to break the C# bindings.  It's also using the old dbus
bindings instead of the new NDesk dbus bindings.  There seemed to be a
few bugs dealing with disposing of connections and backends when one
tried to exit Dashboard.  Aside from that, it appeared to work.

I welcome any help anyone wants to provide in getting Dashboard up and
running again.  I'll be collecting more of my thoughts and plans on
Dashboard in the next month or so and will be sure to post to the

--Kevin Godby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Nov 21, 2007 4:13 AM, Nils Erik Svangård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I followed the development of dashboard with great intrest a couple of
> years back.
>  I located the google code page for dashboard, which listed theese
> things to be done:
> * libdashboard - Or as its better known, a C library that generates
> valid, parseable clues. This is not only critical since most plugin
> authors aren't going to want to spend the time validating that mono
> can deserialize all their XML. But because we can generate bindings
> for most every other language once we have them in C.
> * Real Bug/Performance Testing/Fixing - This is a huge one, Dashboard
> is still pre-alpha, and mostly proof of concept. While the code base
> could be brought up to production level, it needs tons of cleanup.
> This is where an army of open source dev's can help the most, compile
> and install dashboard from SVN, then just play with it, and every time
> it crashes, track down why, and try to make it sane. This is long,
> slow, tedious, and thankless work, but it is an absolute necessity if
> people want to start using dashboard, as even simple race cases will
> crash dashboard most of the time.
> * Mappings/Rules - You have to be a little more familiar with the
> Beagle/Dashboard code base to help out with this, but we need them for
> a huge spread of plugins, and almost everything beagle can
> generate.</li></ul></ul>
> Is there more stuff that have to be done?
> Is anybody working on dashboard?
> /nisse
> --
> Nils-Erik Svangård
> Skype: schweingaard
> Mobil: +46-(0)70-3612178
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