On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 19:51:06 -0500
Debajyoti Bera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > > However some other programs (nautilus and beaglefs) depend on
> > > > libbeagle0 (i.e. the 0.2.18 version of the library) so I left
> > > > this package installed and didn't install libbeagle1 (the name
> > > > I gave to the package for the 0.3.0 version of the library).
> > > > I have noticed some problems with the searches: beagle-search
> > > > only finds files in my home directory, while nautilus finds
> > > > files in my home directory *and* those listed in the static
> > > > indexes. beagle-search seems to ignore the static indexes,
> > > > although these are listed by beagle-index-info.
> > >
> > > Thats pretty weird! Are you sure about this ? What happens when
> > > you query using beagle-query ? Do a $ tailf -f
> > > ~/.beagle/Log/current-Beagle, then start a query in beagle-search
> > > - what gets printed in current-Beagle ?
> >
> > This is the output of searching for "gfortran" that is in the static
> > indexes (6 hits) and in my homedir (4 hits). I searched with both
> > beagle and nautilus.
> >
> It still does not make sense :( I am surprised nautilus actually
> worked since it uses incompatible libbeagle0, but I am more surprised
> that nautilus worked and beagle-search did not! You built and
> installed everything correctly - right ? Do you get all the results
> when you do $ beagle-query gfortran

beagle-query gfortran gives the correct results, i.e. 4 hits in my
homedir, 6 in the static indexes and a new one from the webpages,
because I have the firefox-beagle extension installed.
I think the install is ok, I modified the debian files of the beagle
0.2.18 package, splitting them in two because of the separation of
libbeagle from beagle. But if you think it can be useful, I'll
uninstall the beagle packages and install from source.
I've made some other test, and I've seen that beagle-search does find
files in the "applications" static index, but fails in the
"documentation" static index. beagle-query and nautilus work fine.
BTW, beagle-index-info reports the static indexes as

Name: windows (I don't have a windows partition)
Count: 0
Crawling: False

Name: applications
Count: 319
Crawling: False

Name: documentation
Count: 53585
Crawling: False

Thanks for helping me so fast!

* Giuseppe Borzi, Assistant Professor at the              *
* University of Messina - Department of Civil Engineering *
* Address: Contrada di Dio, Messina, I-98166, Italy       *
* Tel:     +390903977323                                  *
* Fax:     +390903977480                                  *
* email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                *
* url:     http://www.webalice.it/gborzi1                 *

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